November 20, 2011

Somebody's Mom

where: pretty mommy
Do you ever catch sight of yourself and think "I can't believe I'm a Mom?"  Like just now, my boys have been playing outside on this unseasonably warm November day, and as the sun is starting to go down I raced outside to give them coats so they didn't catch a chill.  They both yelled to me as I turned to head back inside "thanks mom!" I saw my reflection in our door and thought...   "I'm their Mom - funny." 

Or do you hear yourself saying something and think "did I just say that?"  Some days I still feel like I am in college and have a hard time believing that I'm "all grown up." That I am responsible for someone other than myself and that this is my life now. I'm not complaining. I love it. I wouldn't want anything else. It's just sort of funny and catches me off guard from time to time.  Does that ever happen to you?

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