June 9, 2011

For My Boys

As the mother of two boys, I am always trying to instill in them good values and especially how to be a gentleman.  As they are so young, it's more about making sure they understand basic manners, that girls can do anything boys can do, sometimes better  (sorry, couldn't resist) and to always be polite and respectful to EVERYONE.  But it's all a balancing act, trying to figure out when to let them just goof off and throw their manners out the window and to relish in all that comes with just being a boy -- the mud, the dirt, the tree climbing, the fort building, the water balloon fights and all. 

I came across this great book and gave it to my husband for Christmas last year. I also gave it to Lindsay when she had her baby boy.  I love all the great life lessons and tips it lays out.  It's fun to just look through from time to time. 

where: rules for my unborn son
My husband is a terrific dad who appreciates good manners, being a gentleman and is always very respectful of me.  I am proud that my boys see this, as I hope they will learn from it and live by following his example.  Here are a few of my favorites from RULES FOR MY UNBORN SON

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to remember this book - great gift! It reminds me a lot of a book I got for Stella, Prudent Advice: Lessons for my Baby Daughter. I always thought that it would be so nice to have a son so you could teach them how to treat girls :). But like you, I struggle with letting Stella be a free-spirited child all the while teaching her to be a little lady. It is a balancing act for sure!
